User Guides.

The Monitoring tab displays the work list of units and groups and the latest data for them.

Tap the unit name to view extended information on it: Info and History. Here you can also see the unit movement on the map and search units or groups by name.


Work List

The work list displays the units that are being monitored. Two view modes are available: Units and Groups. In the Groups mode, you can see the group names and the number of units included in it. Tap the line with the name of the group to see the list of units.

Work list generation modes

When you sign in to the application, units are automatically added to the work list if it was previously empty. If you have more than 100 units, add the required units yourself.

The contents of the unit and group work lists depend on the option selected in the settings (the icon to the right of the search). You can select one of the following list generation modes:

Mode Description
Show all

The work list shows all units and unit groups if you have 20 units or fewer. If you have more, the units and groups are not added automatically. You should generate the work list manually.

If this option is enabled and you have manually removed units from the list, the next time you sign in to the application, all units are shown again (if there are 20 or less).

Synchronize with the web version The list contains the same units and groups as the work list on the Monitoring tab of the Fleetometer portal. If this option is enabled, you can’t edit the list manually.
Configure manually You add the units that should be displayed in the work list yourself.

After selecting the mode, click on the icon   for saving the changes.

Adding items to the work list

You can add units or their groups to the work list if the Configure manually option is selected as a list generation mode.

To edit the work list, follow the steps below.

  1. Select the Units or Groups tab. 
  2. Tap the icon  located to the right of the search.
  3. Select the required units or unit groups. When selecting, you can use the search or the Select all button to the right of it. In addition, you can use the Select all button to select all the items filtered by the search.
  4. Save the changes.

Removing items from the work list

You can remove units and their groups from the work list if the Configure manually option is selected as a list generation mode.

Use one of the following methods to remove a unit or group from the list:

  • In the list, swipe left or right on the row of the item you want to remove.
  • In the work list settings, similar to the process of adding items, cancel the selection of those items that shouldn’t be displayed in the list and save the changes.

As a result, the item is not shown in the work list, but it is not completely removed from the system.

Unit section

The following information can be displayed for each unit:

  • unit name;
  • driver name if a driver is assigned to the unit (if the driver has a personal beacon);
  • speed if the unit is moving or the parking sign () near the unit icon;
  • ignition state if there is a sensor (/);
  • last state information (: start time, : duration, : current mileage for trips);
  • current fuel level ()  (available with OBD terminals only. Also determined by availability of OEM fuel level CAN bus data);
  • address or name of the geofence where the unit is located (if the Geofences as addresses option is enabled);
  • the time of the last message. The time of the last message is coloured differently depending on when the message was received:
    •  : last message was received within 5 minutes;
    •  : last message was received within an hour;
    •  : last message was received within 24 hours;
    •  : last message was received more than a day ago.

Unit menu

A tap on the icon  or a long tap on the unit opens an additional menu with the following options:

Option Description
Share location Sending the locator link which allows you to monitor a unit on the map during the selected validity period. The available intervals: 1 hour, 3 hours, day, week, or a custom interval.
Navigation apps Planning a route using other navigation applications installed on a mobile device. If Google Maps are installed, you can use the Street View map to explore the location of the unit. 
Copy coordinates Copying the coordinates of the unit to the clipboard.
Execute report Going to the Reports tab with the unit or group field already filled in.
Edit Changing the name and icon of the unit.

In the Groups mode, this menu contains only the Share location, and Execute report options. Tap the icon  to open the menu.

Changing the unit name

The name shouldn’t contain “(double quotes), {} (curly braces), (backslash). Permissible length: 4–50 characters. 

Changing the unit icon

You can select one of the standard icons. For some of them, different colours are available. They are shown after clicking on the icon. The icons pointing upwards (for example,  or ) are automatically rotated according to the unit direction.

Extended Unit Information

To view extended information about a unit, tap the line with it in the list.

The information is shown on two tabs:

  • Info;
  • History.

The contents of the tabs can be divided into four sections:

  • map;
  • latest data about the unit;
  • general information about the unit (the Info tab);
  • data on events registered in the unit history (the History tab).

You can hide the map or the general information/data section. To do this, drag the latest data section up or down respectively. You can also use the arrows on the right side of the latest data section.

In the upper-right corner of the screen, there is the icon . Tap it to open the additional menu with the options. 


The Info tab displays the unit location on the map (taken from the last message), the latest data, and general information about the unit properties.

The General information section consists of tabs with unit properties. To select the tabs you want to be displayed in the section, click Configure tab view at the end of the list and enable or disable the required tabs using the switch. The indicated settings are applied to all the units at the same time.

The following tabs can be available:

Tab Description
Custom fields Any custom fields added in the Fleetometer portal.
Sensors The sensors available for the unit.
Profile The unit characteristics specified on the Profile tab in the Fleetometer portal.
Hardware The device type protocol and unique ID.
Counters The readings of the mileage, engine hour counters.
Parameters The raw data received from the device.
Trailers The trailers (goods, tools, utility trailers etc.) sensed by the unit. See details on asset beacons here. 
Drivers The drivers assigned to the unit. To the right of the driver’s name you can see the phone number specified in the driver’s properties. To call the driver, tap the number. See details on personal beacons here. 
Altitude The altitude above sea level.
Satellites The number of satellites that the unit has connected to.


The History tab displays a list which contains data on trips, parking intervals, fuel fillings, thefts, and consumption. 

The history shows data for the number of days stored for your subsciption package.


 The data on the tab is presented in chronological order.

Day selection

By default, the data is displayed for the current day. You can get the data for another day in one of the ways described below.

  • Select the required day in the calendar.
  • Swipe down or up to add the previous or next day to the list. If necessary, repeat the action to add more days.

Summary information for the day

The top row shows summary information for the day:

  • trip duration ();
  • track length in trips ();
  • parking duration ();
  • total fuel consumption in trips () (OBD Terminals and compatible vehicles only);

    If a trip starts on one day and ends on the next, the fuel consumed during the trip is associated with the first day.

Detailed data for the day

For each day, the summary of the trip duration, track length, and the total parking time is shown above the list.

Below is the information displayed for each type of data. To see the place that corresponds to them on the map, tap the required line in the list. The icon in the selected line is displayed in a contrasting colour (for example, the icon of a fuel filling changes from  to ).

Icon Type of data Available information

  • the start time of the trip;
  • duration ();
  • track length ();
  • maximum unit speed ();
  • speeding (: the unit has exceeded the speed limit, ;
  • fuel consumed during the trip (): its amount () and miles per gallon ().

  • the start time of the parking;
  • duration ();
  • parking time with the ignition on ();
  • location.

  • sensor name;
  • the time of turning the ignition on;
  • the time that has passed since the ignition was turned on ().

Fuel filling
  • the time of the fuel filling (time of the greatest difference in fuel level);
  • the amount of filled fuel ();
  • location.

Fuel theft
  • the time of the fuel theft (time of the greatest difference in fuel level);
  • the amount of drained fuel ();
  • location.

Registered events

To indicate events registered by means of notifications with the Register event for unit action, the following icons are used:

Icon Event


Alarm (SOS)

Connection loss


Fuel filling

Route progress



Digital input

Sensor value


Interposition of units

Excess of messages

Fuel theft


Passenger activity


To see an event on the map, tap the required line in the list. The icon in the selected line is displayed in a contrasting colour (for example, the icon of the event for the Speed notification type changes from  to ). If the event is registered by means of a notification, the event information displays the notification text.

The icons  and  are used to indicate the beginning and end of the trip, respectively. The segments of the track where speeding was detected are coloured in red.

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