User Guides.

The Dashboard tab contains summary information about the units from the work list. Here you can quickly assess the connection and motion state of the units, see the latest online notifications as well as the geofences where the units are located, and so on. The information is updated as new messages are received from the units.

To open the Dashboard tab, click on Dashboard in the top panel. The tab is displayed if the Dashboard item is selected in the main menu customizer.

Seven information blocks are available on the tab. In the Dashboard settings (), you can select the blocks which should be displayed and change their order by dragging the arrows. You can also change the order by clicking on the heading of the block and dragging it to the required place.

The Connection state, Motion state, Geofences with units, Latest notifications blocks show real-time data. The Mileage, Fuel consumed by FLS, Speedings blocks display information for the last seven days by default. To see data for another time period, complete the Interval fields with its beginning and end manually or using the calendar, and click Show. To see data for a certain day, specify it as the interval beginning and end. Besides, you can select one of the preset intervals: today, yesterday, week, month. Every time you sign in, the default interval is applied.

Connection state

This block contains a pie chart with information about the connection state of the units: online or offline. To the right of the chart is its legend, which shows what category is represented by each color and how many units belong to it. When you point to a sector of the chart, a percentage of units belonging to this category is displayed.

To see the list of units belonging to the category, click on it in the legend.

To quickly find units by name, use the dynamic search above the list. Click on the line with the unit to open its minimap.

Motion state

This block contains a pie chart with the information about the motion state of units. The chart legend shows what category is represented by each color and how many units belong to it. When you point to a sector of the chart, a percentage of units belonging to this category is displayed.

To see the list of units belonging to the category, click on it in the legend. Above the list is a dynamic search to find units by name. Click on the line with the unit to open its minimap.

Geofences with units

The block is displayed if the Presence in geofences option is activated in the user settings. It shows a list of geofences where the units are located at the moment. The following information is indicated for each geofence: type (graphically), name and the number of units.

Click on the geofence name to see the list of all the units located in it. Above the list is a dynamic search to find units by name. Click on the line with the unit to open its minimap.

Latest notifications

The block shows the latest online notifications as well as the date and time they were received. To open a notification, click on its name.


This block contains a line chart with the data on the mileage of units for the specified interval (seven days by default). If the interval exceeds 14 days, the data in the chart is grouped. If it includes only one day, dots are displayed instead of lines.

The chart legend shows the mileage of the unit and the color that corresponds to it. If you point to the unit in the legend, its line in the chart remains colored while the others become grey. When you point to the part of the chart corresponding to one day, you can see a tooltip with the data on the unit mileage for that day.

By default, the chart shows data on the first 10 units from the work list. To change them, click on the icon  and select the required ones. (no more than 10). To quickly find units, use the dynamic search. Then click on the icon  to go to the chart. When you sign in the next time, the same units remain selected.

Fuel consumed by FLS

This information is provided by Fleetometer OBD terminals that are connected to vehicles with OBD fuel level data. Consult the supported OEM data list to determine if your vehicle can provide this data.

  • Download non-EV vehicle OEM support list 
  • Download EV vehicle OEM support list 

The line chart displays how much fuel was consumed (seven days by default). If the interval exceeds 14 days, the data in the chart is grouped. If it includes only one day, dots are displayed instead of lines.

The chart legend shows the volume of fuel consumed by the unit and the color that corresponds to it. If you point to the unit in the legend, its line in the chart remains colored while the others become grey. To see how much fuel was consumed by the units on a certain day, point to the part of the chart corresponding to this day.

By default, the chart shows data on the first 10 units from the work list. To change them, click on the icon  and select the required ones. (no more than 10). To quickly find units, use the dynamic search. Then click on the icon  to go to the chart. When you sign in the next time, the same units remain selected.


This block contains the list of units for which speed limit violations have been detected for the specified interval (seven days by default). Opposite the name of the unit, by default, the number of all its violations is shown. To filter them, select the necessary range of values in the drop-down list in the upper part of the block. For example, you can display the number of violations where the speed limit was exceeded by 10 to 20 km/h.

Speed limit violations are registered in accordance with the restrictions for passenger cars indicated in the WebGIS map data (provided that the road limit is higher than 30 km/h).

Top units by fuel consumption

The block displays units with the maximum fuel consumption detected by FLS for the specified interval (seven days by default). The volume of fuel consumed by the unit is shown opposite its name and is additionally displayed in the horizontal chart on the right.

Top units by mileage

The block displays units with the maximum mileage for the specified interval (seven days by default). The mileage of the unit is shown opposite its name and is additionally displayed in the horizontal chart on the right.